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Hello everyone and welcome to my Beer 365 Project! Here I will enjoy and review a beer every day for a year. You can look forward to reviews of many different beers, brewery trips, and more!

Day 009/365: RJ Rockers Son of a Peach

Brewery: RJ Rockers
Style: Son of a Peach (Peach Wheat Ale)
Origin: Spartansburg, SC

Overall: C+

I cracked open this brew and was excited by the delightful aroma wafting out of the bottle. Unfortunately the taste was not a good second act to the fantastic smell of fresh peaches, clove and honey. This beer would be a great seasonal brew if the peach flavor made an appearance. There is almost no hint of peach to go along with its' intoxicating smell.

Aroma: A+ The sweet, delicious aroma of fresh peaches wafts off this brew and it is fantastic! Imagine the macerated pulps of peaches ready to be put into a pie, that is the aroma. I also sense hints of honey and clove.

Taste & Mouth Feel: C I wish the flavor matched the aroma. It has a good wheat ale flavor with slight hints, stress on the 'slight', of fresh peaches. Overall it is an average flavored wheat ale with nothing exciting about it. It's good, smooth and drinkable but not unique.

Color & Pour: C Pours a foggy golden color. Small bits of what I assume is peach float around the glass.

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