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Hello everyone and welcome to my Beer 365 Project! Here I will enjoy and review a beer every day for a year. You can look forward to reviews of many different beers, brewery trips, and more!

Day 008/365: Breckenridge Brewery Vanilla Porter

Brewery: Breckenridge Brewery
Style: Vanilla Porter (Ale Infused/Brewed with Vanilla Bean)
Origin: Breckenridge, CO

Overall: B+

I am starting to find that Colorado has a lot of great breweries. I never check the origin of my beers as I want to keep it random and so far three have been from the Rocky Mountain State. This beer continues the trend in good Colorado Beers. It has a mesmerizing aroma and creamy mellow flavor. I am a big fan of anything made with fresh vanilla and more beers should utilize their flavor. More stouts and porters could benefit from the added smoothness vanilla provides.

Aroma: A Caramel notes flourish and the relaxing aroma of vanilla is infused throoughout this delightful brew.

Taste & Mouth Feel: B+ Opens to a flavorful caramelized malt flavor as the creamy texture coats your every taste bud. The beer goes down very smoothly and transforms towards the end with a delightful mellow vanilla bean flavor. I truly enjoyed this dark beer. The carbonation is just right and the bubbles are small.

Color & Pour: B Pours the same shade as a medium roast coffee with a thin light brown head. It is pretty to look at but I would've liked to have seen the head a little thicker.3

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