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Hello everyone and welcome to my Beer 365 Project! Here I will enjoy and review a beer every day for a year. You can look forward to reviews of many different beers, brewery trips, and more!

Day 010/365: Unibroue Don De Dieu

Brewery: Unibroue
Style: Don De Dieu (Triple Wheat Ale)
Origin: Chambly, Canada

Overall: A

It turns out that Canada produces a delicious Belgian Style Ale through the means of the Unibroue Don De Diue. This mellow triple wheat ale is smooth and drinkable with a good complexity without being too much. This is by far the most affordable high ABV Belgian style I have found and would definitely pick up a four pack to bring to a gathering.
Aroma: B+ This beer's complex aroma teases your olfactory sense with hints of honey and spice followed by mellow yeast overtones. Very pleasing.

Taste & Mouth Feel: A Starts with spice and yeasty overtones leading into mellow honey and sweet notes. This beer goes down smoothly and has slow effervescence. A great triple wheat ale!

Color & Pour: B+  Pours a hazy golden tone with a fluffy inch thick head that quickly dissipates leaving a light lace over the beer.

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