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Hello everyone and welcome to my Beer 365 Project! Here I will enjoy and review a beer every day for a year. You can look forward to reviews of many different beers, brewery trips, and more!

Day 006/365: Left Hand Brewing Co. - Good Juju

Brewery:  Left Hand Brewing Co.
Style: Good Juju (Ale Brewed with Ginger)
Origin: Longmont, Colorado

Overall: C+

Drawn in by the name of a well known brewery and interesting label. The Left Hand Brewing Co.'s Good Juju brew failed to impress. It started out well with a pleasant sweet aroma but disappoints on flavor. I was happy with the ginger flavor, unhappy with the chemical like bitterness and aftertaste. Fans of hoppy beers will like this brew, I on the other hand, enjoy smoother finishes.

Aroma: A Hints of a honey like sweetness combined with the tangyness of ginger linger over the classic ale aroma. It is different, and I like that.

Taste & Mouth Feel: C As I drink it in I am initially hit with a nice carbonation and a crisp, hoppy flavor. As it mulls around my mouth more tangy notes appear and the hoppyness remains. On the finish, a slight sweetness appears along with a lemon, ginger aftertaste. The taste is a little more bitter than I would like and has a slight chemical aftertaste.

Color: B+ Pours a clear amber tone with almost no head. Slightly darker than your every day ale. Nice to look at.

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