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Hello everyone and welcome to my Beer 365 Project! Here I will enjoy and review a beer every day for a year. You can look forward to reviews of many different beers, brewery trips, and more!

Day 002/365: Tommyknocker Maple Nut Brown Ale

Brewery: Tommyknocker (Idaho Springs, CO)
Style: Maple Nut Brown Ale

Overall Score: C+

I am going to go ahead and admit this now. I am not a huge fan of brown or darker colored beers. Though I did enjoy this brew. I am quite a fan of caramelized malts and they were used perfectly to balance the sweetness of this beer. I only wish they had let it carbonate a tad less to leave it with a creamier texture. If this beer had a thick smooth texture to match it's flavor it would have faired better in the flavor department. Over all I would drink this brown ale again as I have not had many I have liked. I would recommend it to anyone looking to begin venturing into the flavor of caramelized malts.

Aroma: B Initial mellow aromas of a caramel sweetness waft off of the beer with a hint of maple riding in the backseat to a deep malty scent. The aroma leaves you with a soothing caramel creaminess. I would have liked to see maple come out more in the aroma, it would have been great, though I did enjoy it.

Taste & Mouthfeel: C+ Starts out with a malty sweet flavor followed by hints of maple adding to the sweetness. It continues with nutty notes as well as a good caramel flavor adding to the thickness. As you swallow you are left with a slight bitterness and the delicious flavor of caramelized malts stay with long after you finish. As far as carbonation goes, it is a very bubbly beer.

Color: C Pours a nearly opaque dark brown hue similar to that of a cola with a 'barely-there' head that almost completely vanishes over the course of just a few minutes.

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