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Hello everyone and welcome to my Beer 365 Project! Here I will enjoy and review a beer every day for a year. You can look forward to reviews of many different beers, brewery trips, and more!

Day 001/365: Harpoon UFO Raspberry Hefeweizen

Brewery: Harpoon (Boston, MA)
Style: UFO (Un-Filtered Offering) Raspberry Hefeweizen

Overall Score: B+

Harpoon UFO Raspberry HefeweizenAs I begin writing this first of many daily reviews my excitement level is at an all time high. I feel I have chosen a great beer to start my journey with, traditional in the sense it is an unfiltered Hefeweizen and a journey into the unknown by adding one of my favorite fruits. I have always enjoyed and good wheat beer and this is no exception.  This selection would go great with any warm Summer day and a burger out on the deck. Read more about my though regarding flavor, aroma, and pour after the break...

Aroma: B Upon hearing the escaping air as you pop off the cap, you get initial hints of fresh raspberries along with a slight mellow yeasty aroma. The fruit scent is not overwhelmingly sweet or artificial, it reminds me of opening a fresh container of raspberries from the grocery store. In the end, the aroma hits with an almost honey like finish, mellow and sweet.

Taste & Mouth Feel: B+ An initial hit of slightly sour raspberry in addition to the creamy flavor of a traditional unfiltered wheat. The raspberry flavor lingers only for a short period followed by a yeasty honey like sweetness for an aftertaste. I enjoyed this beer thoroughly. It was not too light on flavor, but also not an overwhelmingly fruity beer. It could only use a tad less acidity as I found the initial sourness to be a little too much. As for mouth feel, this beer dances on your tongue. It is loaded with carbonation and leaves me feeling as if I drank a mineral water. I like the bubbles but it is a bit much and contributes to the overall sourness of the beer.

Color: B Pours a mildly hazy golden color with an airy head that starts out thick and dissipates rapidly.

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