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Hello everyone and welcome to my Beer 365 Project! Here I will enjoy and review a beer every day for a year. You can look forward to reviews of many different beers, brewery trips, and more!

Day 003/365: Kasteel Rouge

Brewery: Kasteel
Style: Rouge - Belgian Ale with Cherries

Overall: A

Most Lambic style beers I have come across have a relatively low ABV of roughly ~4-5%. This Kasteel Rouge tops out at a satisfying 8%. I feel that this beer is as if a great tasting Lambic met and fell in love with a satisfying Belgian Strong Ale, it is the best of both worlds. I have a new favorite apertif beer. If you enjoy any type of Lambic or Belgian Ales such as Delirium Tremens or Golden Monkey I highly recommend you try Kasteel Rouge. It would go great with a rich ice cream or cheesecake dessert.

Aroma: B+ The cap pops off and you instantly think cherry Lambic. The aroma reminds me of a cherry flavored Ludens, though in a good way. It's fruity, light, and sour smelling. After the initial hit of cherry aroma your are left with a lingering Belgian style ale aroma, crisp and clean.

Taste & Mouth Feel: A+ I am first hit with a delightful effervescence along with a fantastic sour cherry mash flavor. The astringency stays with me as the sour cherry fades into a delightful soft cherry flavor along with a mild, malty Belgian ale flavor. It all ends with a very slight bitterness and every sip is enjoyable. I'm glad to see that this Belgian Ale with fruit is stronger than similar Lambics with an ABV of 8%, and I will tell you what, it tastes fantastic.

Color: B+ Pours a beautiful burgundy with a bountiful amount of fizz. Head is not abundant but is creamy and stays glued to the side of my glass as it empties.

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